Dear friends,
I define impossible based on what my mind considers possible today. My mind is a very limited instrument that can’t peer through the fog of time. My mind can’t fathom the next act in the play of the ultimate magician duo – time and nature.
Who would have known that a hydrogen bomb millions of miles away could send out the invitingly warm energy for the trees to hatch apples, oranges and grapes? Who would have thought that the supernovae billions of years ago would produce the gold that sits in our fingers?
Wait for the impossible to get redefined as your imaginations awaken and create the unimaginable. Letting go of the concept of impossible will open you to possibilities. It’ll wake up the child within you that finds the story of tooth fairy totally believable. Life is fun that way.
True wisdom not only gives hope, patience and gratitude; true wisdom teaches innocence. Innocence that comes from wisdom lets you shed the limitation of rules and dogmas, giving you freedom. It allows you to dream, discover, and make the world a better place.
Never limit yourself, for impossible is impossible.
Take care,
At your next break, try Akimboo's Beginners Guided Meditation for Desk Workers!
Amit Sood, M.D. is Professor of Medicine, Director of Research and Practice in the Mayo Clinic Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program, and Chair of the Mayo Mind-Body Initiative.