Get more light - According to the National Institute of Health light boxes filter out the ultraviolet rays and require 20-60 minutes of exposure to 10,000 lux of cool-white fluorescent light, about 20 times greater than ordinary indoor lighting.
Eat healthier - Yes, eat your fruits and greens. And take solace knowing certain foods, like chocolate can help enhance your mood and relieve anxiety. Stay clear of candy and highly refined foods.
Exercise - A study from Harvard University suggested walking fast for 35 minutes a day five times a week improved symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Try this mood boosting exercise with Brett Larkin.
Turn up the tunes - Listening to upbeat and cheery music is a quick way to boost your mood.
Plan an adventure - Research shows that the simple act of planning a vacation - even a small one - can cause significant increase in overall happiness.
Help others - You may not be the only one feeling the winter blues. Call a friend, see how they are doing. Offer to help with a small project.
Find a fun project - Table top board games, simple crafts, cooking a special meal are fun things you can do with and for others.
Go outside! - Get bundled up and take a brisk walk. You can treat yourself with a warm drink when you return.
Too cold to go out? Try this great 8 minute warm up yoga flow with Brett Larkin.