Try this 3 minute shoulder release exercise to feel great right now with Akimboo!
by Carolyn
Despite a pervasive misconception, we don't have to break a sweat to benefit from movement. When I go to the physical therapist I learn how to re-build strength and flexibility.
What if we could do preventive maintenance anytime - right where we are?
A common misconception about exercise is that we have to embrace a 30+ minute routine. Plain and simply, this is a myth. Anytime you incorporate movement, like more walking - your body is benefitting.
That's why parking further from your destination is actually a gift. Next time you're trolling for the best parking spot - consider this - the best spots are open and waiting for you - about a hundred yards further out!
One last misconception I'd like to dispell is that we have to wear special gear to benefit from exercise. We don't! Wherever you are, in workboots or office clothes - if you have mobility - you can move!
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