First, try this three minute guided meditation with Mary Jorgensen to slow-down and feel marvelous right now on
by Mary Jorgensen
Our culture bursts with claims that material wealth, beauty, youth, romantic love and adventure will lead to happiness.
Harvard psychologist and author Shawn Achor describes how the reverse is actually true. Becoming happy actually leads to advantages that create opportunities and open doors. Happiness comes before success, and actually makes success more possible. Research supports his claims that nurturing a happiness mindset enables us to flourish in ways that lead to success.
You may ask yourself, 'How do I develop a “happiness mindset?'
First, change the way you think about “reality”.
What we think of as our fixed “reality” is more flexible than we often perceive. When we assume that an improvement in our lives is unrealistic, we block the new ideas that can open the door to improvement. To change your perceptions first:
Notice that your negative thoughts are limiting you.
Next, reverse negative self-talk to positive self-talk and become open to surprising opportunities.
Take advantage of your renewed mindset to boost your energy. Achor documents how physiological changes can take place from a more vibrant mood. Positive self-talk can result in new spunk to foster even greater progress in your life.
With a positive attitude, you discover the energy to exercise more, to cheer up a co-worker, and to act with loving-kindness toward yourself and others.
Finally, do what you really enjoy.
Call a friend, go for a walk, or look for four-leaf clovers. Do what you truly enjoy and find new doors of happiness opening up.
Author of Way of the SAGE: 4 Paths to Manage Stress and Build Resilience Mary Jorgensen provides practical tools to harness inner wisdom. Schedule Mary for a workshop in workplace satisfaction at
Resilient happy woman photographs by Parker Deen